Emmanuel is an elder-led, deacon-served, and congregational voting church. We desire to be faithful to the biblical definition of how a church should function under the Lordship of Christ. Our elders, deacons, and staff meet the qualifications outlined in 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and 1 Peter. Our leaders are here to SERVE and ENCOURAGE you as you grow closer to Christ. Please contact them if you would like to know more about the church or a specific ministry.



Pastor Sean and his family came to Emmanuel in 2005. He has a Master of Divinity from the Rocky Mountain Campus of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Expository Preaching from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He has four leadership values: 1. Preach the Word faithfully 2. Lead the people to pray like crazy 3. Love the church family like Christ 4. Seek the Lord's will for obeying the Great Commission. Sean has a wonderful wife, Dawn, and two boys, Aidan and Zachary. Some of his favorite authors are John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, John Owen, R. C. Sproul, and Michael Horton. Sean is an avid basketball fan, loves hiking in the mountains, and serves as an adjunct professor of Old and New Testament studies at Colorado Christian University. He hosts a podcast called “Understanding Christianity.” He is the author of two books, Your Identity in the Trinity and 40 Days in Philippians.



Pastor Dustin and his bride, Haley came to Emmanuel in 2023. Dustin became a believer in 2014, married his wife in 2020 and received his bachelors in Christian Ministry from Crown College in 2022. He is currently attending The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for his Masters of Divinity. Dustin's biggest focus within youth ministry is building real relationships with his students and coming alongside them right where they're at, to love and equip them to be disciples for Christ. Some of his most influential pastors have been John MacArthur, James White, RC Sproul, Voddie Baucham, Kevin DeYoung, and AW Pink. Dustin is a big sports fan, especially to the Green Bay Packers, Milwaukee Brewers, and the Dallas Stars. He enjoys reading and outdoor recreation in his free time, especially hiking and camping. Click the YouTube icon below to access all the recorded youth lessons. Learn more about the youth ministry here.



Doug and his wife Gladys came to Emmanuel around 2005. Doug has been involved with praise teams most of his adult life and has been the Worship Leader here at Emmanuel since 2013. He has been singing and whistling since he could walk and fondly remembers sitting on his great aunt's lap singing the old classic hymn "Bringing in the Sheep (Sheaves)". Doug and Gladys have 4 adult children: 2 sons and 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters. One of their sons, Cody is also on the praise team here at Emmanuel.



Francesca and her husband Jarvis started attending Emmanuel in 2021. As the children's ministry director she coordinates all of the volunteers within the children's ministry for Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights while making sure everything is running smoothly. She also coordinates children's activities throughout the year such as VBS, the Christmas Play, the fall party, and so much more! Francesca has a heart for children's ministry because she has always loved working with kids and teaching them about Jesus. She loved going to church as a child and was saved at a young age due to being involved in the children's ministry at her church so she knows how much of an impact this ministry can have on the kids involved. Learn more about the children's ministry here.



Cheri and her husband Mickey came to Emmanuel in 1991. In 2001 Cheri became the church Financial Secretary. Cheri also loves to meet with and mentor young women, which has become a big part of her ministry. Both Mickey and Cheri served in the Children's Ministry and Youth Ministry for more than 14 years each. Mickey is an Elder and Growth Group and Small Group Leader at Emmanuel. EBC is a big part of their lives - it's more than just a place to worship, Emmanuel is their family. They have a son Morgan who met his wife Kenzie at an EBC youth camp in Missouri. Morgan, Kenzie and twin granddaughters (Charlotte and Emelia) live in Arkansas where Kenzie is from.



Terrina is likely the first face you will see when you come to Emmanuel and the voice on the other end of the phone when you call the office. She prepares everything for Sean's Wednesday night classes and gets everything ready to go on Sunday mornings. She also sends out all of the upcoming events through our email list. Terrina first came to Emmanuel in 2005 and will have served on staff for 20 years in 2025! If you have any questions about Emmanuel, Terrina has the answers!

OUr Elders

Emmanuel believes in a plurality of male elders who have been commissioned by God Himself to lead, feed, teach, protect and pray for our church family. Our elders must meet the Biblical requirements as set forth in 1 Timothy, Titus and 1 Peter, and are the shepherd-leaders of our church.

Dr. Sean Cole

Teaching/Preaching Elder

Glen Burton


Mickey Dubs


Russell Hershberger


Duane Kettle



The deacons are church officials set apart to serve under the authority of the elders by ministering to the church’s needy and suffering members. It is not a ruling or overseeing body but a ministry that complements the elders and allows them to devote themselves to prayer and the ministry of the Word. We understand the deacons to be ministers of mercy who play a crucial role in our church's

mission. They primarily oversee the benevolence issues in the church, assisting widows, single mothers, and those in need of meals. Their hospital visits, job counseling, and financial coordination with those going through difficult times are all part of their mission to serve our

church community.

Brent Carey


Cindy Carey


Dave Gillespie


John Lichtenwalner


Phil Seyfang
