Who are we?

We Are…

We are a conservative, evangelical, gospel-centered, Reformed Baptist church that affiliates with the

G3 Network of Churches and is a member of the Grace Reformed Network of Churches.

We Were…

We were founded in 1954 by a group of faithful believers who wanted to see an indigenous expression of a Baptist church in Sterling Colorado. In 2009, we moved into our new facility on Ballpark Road.

We Believe… 

To see our FULL CONFESSION OF FAITH click below!



The glory and supremacy of the Tri-Une God in all things must be put on display by us as His people


The power of the gospel for everyone who believes must be shared with all peoples


The mandate to make disciples of all nations must be taken seriously


Expository preaching and teaching of the whole counsel of God's Word must be central


Gospel-centered relationships where we can faithfully practice the "one anothers" must be experienced


Ongoing repentance marking the life of a believer must be the norm


Strategic Evangelism and church planting - especially among unreached people groups must be practiced


Prayer as the fuel for everything we do must be treasured


Believers using their time, talents and treasures to sacrificially serve Christ and others must be encouraged


A culture of humility and authenticity must

be our ethos

WHAT to expect on Sunday

One of our core values at Emmanuel is that we desire to Worship Biblically.

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We gather together on Sundays under the authority of the Bible for expository preaching, observing baptism and the Lord’s supper, singing, confession of sin, and prayer.

Hebrews 10:24–25 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

Every Sunday, as we gather to worship biblically:

We read the Bible.

We sing the Bible.

We pray the Bible.

We preach the Bible.

We see the Bible in Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.

While rooted in biblical principles, our worship style is considered “contemporary.” We have a praise team with guitars, drums, piano, and singers, and our music is upbeat and lively. More importantly, we ensure that the content of our songs is theologically sound.

The following is the typical order of worship:


A call to worship where we submit under the authority of the Word. One of the deacons reads a Scripture Reading and prays.

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We sing praises to God for all that He is!

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As we confess our sins before a holy God, we receive the assurance of forgiveness through the cross of Christ. One of our elders leads us through this time.

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Worship involves honoring God by giving generously from our finances. We encourage online giving, but we still pass offering plates.

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The preaching of God’s Word stands as the center of our worship. Pastor Sean preaches an expository sermon that explains and applies God’s Word.

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Worship involves responding to God’s Word with repentance and obedience. At the end of the sermon, there is a prayer time to reflect on how we can respond to Jesus.

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Worship is a 24/7 lifestyle in that we are sent out to display God’s glory, declare God’s gospel, and disciple for God’s Great Commission. Pastor Sean gives a benediction, encouraging us to live out our faith in the real world.

If you'd like to learn more about our worship style or have questions about involvement in our worship ministry, we encourage you to call the church at 970-522-1440.